Informing a Tidal Turbine Strike Probability Model through Characterization of Fish Behavioral Response using Multibeam Sonar Output
Lead PI: Dr. Mark Bevelhimer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Start Year: 2013 | Duration: 3 Years
Partners: Verdant Power & Kleinschmidt Associates
The project team will utilize video data and multibeam sonar to characterize both near- and far-field fish behavior in relation to turbines at Verdant Power’s Roosevelt Island Tidal Energy Project in the East River, NY, and will use observed fish behavior to update the fish interaction model. This project hopes to provide data on fish interactions with a deployed tidal turbine, refine risk estimates and validate a fish behavioral model, and advise which methods are most effective for predicting and monitoring effects of turbines.
Annual PI Reports:
FY 2015 PI Report