Interactions of aquatic animals with the ORPC OCGen® in Cobscook Bay, Maine: Monitoring behavior change and assessing the probability of encounter with a deployed MHK device
Lead PI: Dr. Gayle Zydlewski, University of Maine
Start Year: 2013 | Duration: 3 Years
Partners: Ocean Renewable Power Company & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
The project team will perform the “after” component of the Before-After-Control Impact experiment to evaluate fish behavior near the ORPC OcGen turbine system. They will then apply a new analytical method to acoustic data to improve fish species identification based on swim bladder morphology. Finally, the group will develop a probability encounter model to assess natural interactions of fish with the MHK device. This project hopes to produce data on fish interactions with a deployed tidal turbine, produce enhanced data processing techniques, and encounter probability model which can be utilized by other projects.
Annual PI Reports:
FY 2015 PI Report