NOPP Program Update: June 2011


Several members from the Interagency Working Group on Ocean Partnerships met in June to discuss Public Law 111-11, which calls for the formation of a task force on Ocean Exploration and Undersea Research Technology and Infrastructure.  The Task Force on Unmanned Systems steering committee held two conference calls to discuss a strategic plan on unmanned systems to focus on collaboration and partnerships among the federal agencies.

From 2006-2011, the Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) operated as the Ocean Research and Resources Advisory Panel (ORRAP).  The Panel will return to its original name, ORAP, this month.  To review the minutes from the April 25-26, 2011 ORAP meeting, please click here.  The previously scheduled August ORAP meeting has been postponed and will be rescheduled for a yet to be determined date this fall.

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