Greeting from Mayor Kicks Off ORAP Meeting; NOPP Project Receives Award

Alaska SeaLife Center, Seward, AK

The Ocean Research Advisory Panel (ORAP) met on 27-28 July at the Alaska SeaLife Center, in Seward. Mayor Willard Dunham greeted the group with a formal proclamation welcoming the group to Seward.

ORAP heard briefings on various high-priority topics related to Alaska and the Arctic, as well as additional briefings that covered the subject areas of ORAP’s four subcommittees: ocean observing, education, industry interaction, and ocean acidification. ORAP also focused significant attention on the role it could play in advising the federal agencies on activities and priorities related to the Gulf oil spill.

As their terms expired, five ORAP members were recognized for their outstanding service on ORAP and presented with commemorative plaques. Those members are Ms. Debra Hernandez (ORAP Vice-Chair), Dr. Robert Cowen, Dr. Peter Betzer, Dr. Celia Smith, and Dr. Larry Robinson. The incoming class of new members was welcomed.

Dr. Cameron Wobus accepts the 2009 Excellence in Partnering Award from Mr. Paul Gaffney

The meeting was also a special occasion to recognize a particular NOPP project for its exceptional embodiment of the central NOPP principle: partnership. The NOPP Excellence in Partnering Award was presented to Dr. Cameron Wobus, representing the project entitled, Toward a predictive model of Arctic coastal retreat in a warming climate, which based its work in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea. This award is given to a NOPP project that has exemplified the NOPP goals of partnering across industry, academia and government to promote the national goals of assuring national security, advancing economic development, protecting quality of life, and strengthening science education and communication through improved knowledge of the ocean. For further information on the project, please visit .

Staff members at the Alaska SeaLife Center were exceptionally gracious hosts, and the NOPP Office wishes to commend them on their professionalism and first-class facility.

The next ORAP meeting is set for 8-9 December 2010 at the Consortium for Ocean Leadership. For all presentations and briefing materials from ORAP meetings, please visit