NOPP Researcher Scott Glenn is New Jersey CASE Professor of the Year
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has named Dr. Scott Glenn, of Rutgers University, professor of the year. The award recognizes professors for their exceptional involvement and impact on undergraduate students and also for their scholarly approach to learning and teaching.
Glenn is the co-director of Rutgers University’s Coastal Ocean Observation Laboratory (RU-COOL) at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. With an emphasis on student participation, he often tours elementary and middle schools to share with young students the excitement of ocean exploration and the power of observing technologies. Glenn has been praised for his spirit of innovation, both in research and in teaching, for his leadership, and for his dedication to teaching and passion for science.
In 2009, he led a team of faculty, students and staff in a National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) funded project to transport, deploy and navigate the first submersible robot glider on a 221 day flight across the Atlantic Ocean. This endeavor resulted in the first glider to ever completely cross an ocean. Glenn has a long history of NOPP funded research. His project, Demonstration of a Relocatable Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Modeling System with Coastal Autonomous Sampling Networks, was funded in 1998.
The National Oceanographic Partnership Program would like to congratulate Dr. Scott Glenn on this prestigious award.