Teachers Navigate the Web
Vicki Clark remembers how she and other Sea Grant educators used to illustrate the powers and pitfalls of the Internet for teachers Read more
Vicki Clark remembers how she and other Sea Grant educators used to illustrate the powers and pitfalls of the Internet for teachers Read more
The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP), a collaboration of federal agencies providing leadership and coordination on national oceanographic research and education initiatives, has announced that it will fund a three-year research project being led by scientists at the University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marineand Atmospheric Science. Read more
Like sentinels at their posts, an array of buoys equipped with underwater microphones and other sensors will be on duty in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off the coast of Massachusetts for the next 30 months, recording sounds from whales, fish, ships and other sources around the clock. Read more