Excellence in Partnering

Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES)

The National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) is pleased to announce that the Marine Arctic Ecosystem Study (MARES) is the 2019 recipient of the NOPP Excellence in Partnering Award. The award was presented at the 2020 Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Diego, California. Read more


2017 EXCELLENCE IN PARTNERING AWARD The The Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Corrosion, Hydrocarbon Exposure, Microbiology, and Archaeology Project (GOM-SCHEMA) team, led by Dr. Leila J. Hamdan of the University of Southern Mississippi and Melanie Damour of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, investigated the impact of oil exposure on historic shipwrecks from the microscopic to […] Read more

Sanctuaries MBON

2016 EXCELLENCE IN PARTNERING AWARD National Marine Sanctuaries as Sentinel Sites for a Demonstration Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) Lead PI: Frank Muller-Karger, University of South Florida Co-PIs: Francisco Chavez, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute; Scott Doney and Maria Kavanaugh, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Enrique Montes, USF; Steve Gittings, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries  Sanctuaries […] Read more

The Bridge

The BRIDGE is a web-based research center and clearinghouse that unites marine educators, academia, the private sector, and government in support of ocean education. Read more