Deepwater Gulf Habitats


Photo courtesy of Lophelia II researchers. Orange basket star on top of Lophelia coral at a depth of 1,476 feet.
Photo courtesy of Lophelia II researchers. Orange basket star on top of Lophelia coral at a depth of 1,476 feet.

Exploration and Research of Northern Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Natural and Artificial Hard Bottom Habitats with Emphasis on Coral Communities: Reefs, Rigs, and Wrecks

Lead PI: Dr. James Brooks, TDI Brooks International, Inc. and Dr. Charles Fisher, Pennsylvania State University

The four-year project was the first scientific study dedicated to researching deep-sea corals specifically near sites of actively producing oil and gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. During the last cruise for the project in July 2012, the research team discovered Lophelia coral growing deeper than previously seen anywhere in the Gulf of Mexico, which will significantly advise the protection of deep water corals in the future.