Assessing efficacy of electrochemical ocean alkalinity enhancement at an existing outfall using tracer release experiments and oceanographic models
PI: David Ho, University of Hawaii
Start Year: 2023 | Duration: 3 years
Partners: University of Hawaii at Manoa, [C]worthy Convergent Research LLC, University of California Los Angeles, Ebb Carbon Inc., American University
Project Abstract:
Through partnership with a local wastewater treatment plant in San Francisco Bay, this project will conduct an experiment that adds alkalinity to ocean water to test its effect on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Researchers will first use a numerical modeling framework to design the experiment, including the release strategy and a sampling plan that will track effects in the environment. Following the experiment, the team will conduct a retrospective analysis that combines models and observations to estimate the efficacy of the alkalinity release in removing carbon from the atmosphere. Further, they will apply the modeling framework to estimate the efficiency of removal. The technical work will be accompanied by public engagement to introduce local groups and communities like Tribes, NGOs, civil society organizations to the project. Engagement will explore how the project aligns with their views and priorities, and what associated risks and co-benefits these groups perceive.