Improving Global Surface and Internal Tides through Two-Way Coupling with High Resolution Coastal Models
Lead PI: Maarten Buijsman, University of Southern Mississippi
Start Year: 2015 | Duration: 3 Years
Partners: Naval Research Laboratory – Stennis Space Center & University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
In recent years much progress has been made with implementing, validating, and improving tides in global HYCOM. However, the root-mean square errors between predicted and observed tides in the north Atlantic remain much larger than in other ocean basins. These errors may be attributed to complex coastal shelf geometry on the Hudson and European shelves that is poorly resolved in 1/12º and 1/25º global HYCOM. The north Atlantic has strongly resonant tides that are very sensitive to coastal geometry. The tides near the coast are impacted by the incoming tides from the deep ocean. Additionally, the resonant tides over the shelf impact the deep ocean tides. To improve the surface tides, and implicitly the baroclinic tides, we propose to apply high-resolution coastal models that are nested in the coarser parent HYCOM model through a two-way coupling with the “Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran” package. The work highlighted in this proposal is a collaborative effort between the University of Southern Mississippi, the University of Michigan, and the Naval Research Laboratory.