NOPP Projects

NOPP projects are multi-year research investments supported by symbiotic partnerships across the public and private sector. Since the inception of the Program in 1997, the NOPP has supported over 200 projects, encompassing a wide range of oceanographic topics that have spanned the entire globe. Such topics include, Earth systems modeling, coastal and marine resources, innovative technology development, ocean observing and exploration, marine biodiversity, and ocean education. To learn more about all of our projects, please search the Projects Table below.

Project TitleLead PI/sLead Institution/sDurationStart (FY)
An opportunity to study Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement, CDR, and ecosystem impacts through coastal liming Palter, Jaime University of Rhode Island 3 2023
Tidal wetlands as a low pH environment for accelerated and scalable olivine dissolution Kroeger, Kevin USGS 4 2023
Assessing Carbon Dioxide Removal and Ecosystem Response for an Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement Field Trial Nicholson, David Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 3 2023
Assessing efficacy of electrochemical ocean alkalinity enhancement at an existing outfall using tracer release experiments and oceanographic models Ho, David University of Hawaii at Manoa 3 2023
Assessing the laboratory and field responses of diatoms and coccolithophores to ocean alkalinity enhancement Subhas, Adam Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 3 2023
Developing a coupled benthic-pelagic biogeochemical model to evaluate the effectiveness of mCDR interventions Schultz, Christina; Luo, Jessica Northeastern University 4 2023
Carbon capture and ocean acidification mitigation potential by seaweed farms in tropical and subtropical coastal environments Andersson, Andreas UC San Diego 3 2023
Determining the Influence of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement on Foraminifera Calcification, Distribution, and CaCO3 Production Haynes, Laura Vassar College 3 2023
Biotic calcification impacts on marine carbon dioxide removal additionality Kearney, Kelly University of Washington (CICOES) 4 2023
Assessing chemical and biological implications of alkalinity enhancement using carbonate salts obtained from captured CO2 to mitigate negative effects of ocean acidification and enable mCDR Dickson, Andrew UC San Diego 3 2023
Quantifying the Efficacy of Wastewater Alkalinity Enhancement on mCDR and Acidification Mitigation in a Large Estuary Testa, Jeremy University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 3 2023
Multiscale observing system simulation experiments for iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean, Equatorial Pacific, and Northeast Pacific McGillicuddy, Dennis  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 3 2023
Data requirements for quantifying natural variability and the background ocean carbon sink in marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) models McKinley, Galen Columbia University 3 2023
Electrolysis-driven weathering of basic minerals for long-term ocean buffering and CO2 reduction Hales, Burke  Oregon State University 3 2023
Assessing the effects and risks of ocean alkalinity enhancement on the physiology, functionality, calcification, and mineralogy of corals and crustose coralline algae in the Pacific Meléndez, Melissa  University of Hawai’i, Manoa 4 2023
Engaging U.S. Commercial Fishing Community to Develop Recommendations for Fishery-Sensitive mCDR Governance, Collaborative Research and Monitoring, and Outreach to Fishing Communities Hogan, Fiona  Responsible Offshore Development Alliance 2 2023
Coupling Desalination with Novel mCDR Membranes Hornbostel, Katherine University of Pittsburgh 2 2023
A Gulf of Maine Ambient Sound Network Gadamke, Jason NOAA NMFS Office of Science and Technology 3 2023
Wildlife and Offshore Wind (WOW): A Systems Approach to Research and Risk Assessment for Offshore Wind Development from Maine to North Carolina Nowacek, Douglas P.  Duke University 5 2022
Cost‐Effective Environmental Monitoring of Offshore Wind Installations with Automated Marine Robotics Camilli, Richard Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) 3 2022
Baseline Data Collection on Cetaceans and Seabirds in the Outer Continental Shelf and Slope of Northern California and Oregon to Inform Offshore Wind Energy Development Ballance, Lisa T.  Oregon State University 4 2022
Surveying commercial fish species and habitat in wind farm areas using a suite of non-lethal survey methods Siemann, Liese; O’Hara, Tasha; Davis, Farrell;  and Garcia, Luisa Coonamessett Farm Foundation (CFF) 5 2022
Establishing Baseline Data on Bat Activity in The Offshore Environment: Developing Tools and Models to Quantify Risk of Offshore Wind Energy Development Newman, Christian Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) 4.25 2022
Electrochemical Acid Sequestration to Ease Ocean Acidification (EASE-OA) Carter, Brendan University of Washington & NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory 2 2022
A distributed network of internal wave resolving moored arrays for assessing tide-resolving model fields and improving forecasts in the coastal ocean Waterhouse, Amy University of California, San Diego, SCRIPPS 3 2022
The internal wave spectrum and boundary mixing in the sub-tropical south Atlantic Polzin, Kurt Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 3 2022
A global distributed observing program for shear, energy flux, and mixing by internal waves Girton, James Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 3 2022
Improving the representation of internal waves in the Navy and NOAA data assimilative forecasting systems Chassignet, Eric Florida State University 3 2022
Diagnosis and validation of the time and spatial variability of remotely generated internal waves in global ocean simulations Buijsman, Maarten University of Southern Mississippi 3 2022
The Southeast US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Toward Operational Marine Life Data for Conservation and Sustainability Muller-Karger, Frank University of South Florida 5 2022
AMBON (Arctic MBON) - linking biodiversity observations in the Arctic Iken, Katrin University of Alaska Fairbanks 5 2022
Louisiana Deltaic Estuaries MBON: Sea Level Rise Sentinels Glaspie, Cassie Louisiana State University 5 2022
Quantifying marine biodiversity through movements and feeding: Assessing coastal marine ecosystem dynamics near estuary mouths Furey, Nathan University of New Hampshire 5 2022
The CeNCOOS MBON: Marine biodiversity information in support of a healthy Blue Economy in the central California Current Chavez, Francisco Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 5 2022
Enhancing the Realism of MOM6-SIS2 Simulations with Ocean Tides Zaron, Edward Oregon State University 3 2022
Offshore Analysis of Seafloor Instability and Sediments (OASIS Partnership) with Applications to Offshore Safety and Marine Archaeology Bentley, Samuel & Chaytor, Jason Louisiana State University (through the Cooperative Agreement) & U.S. Geological Survey (through the Interagency Agreement) 5 2022
Real-time and observed measurements of hurricane-induced hydrodynamics and flooding Mason, Robert USGS 1 2021
Forecasting Coastal Impacts from Tropical Cyclones along the US East and Gulf Coasts using the ADCIRC Prediction System Leuttich, Richard University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 4 2021
COAMPS-TC deterministic, ensemble, and nowcast model support of the ONR NOPP project: Predicting hurricane coastal impacts Komaromi, William Naval Research Laboratory 1 2021
Coastal Elevation Models and Land Surface Variables for Use in Forecasting Hurricane Impacts Gesch, Dean USGS 4 2021
In-situ measurements of ocean waves from air-deployed Directional Wave Spectra Drifters (DWSD) and Alamo Floats Centurioni, Luca Scripps Institution of Oceanography 4 2021
Piloting Bio-GO-SHIP on US cruises: Towards a global analysis of large-scale changes to ocean plankton systems Martiny, Adam University of California, Irvine 2 2021
Onboard Processing and Transmission of Slocum Glider Acoustic Current Profiler Velocity Profiles Miles, Travis Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 2 2020
Proposal for unified handling of ADCP data from ocean data collection projects. Includes the development of standardized data formats and software converters Lohrmann, Alte NortekUSA Inc 2 2020
A Low Cost Optical Sensor to Measure Underwater Flow Jaffe, Jules University of California San Diego 3 2020
Cost Effective Soft Material Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) Sensors Xia, Zhiyong Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) 3 2019
Sea Surface Salinity From a Cubesat with Novel Spatial Light Modulator Imaging System Twardowski, Mike Florida Atlantic University 2 2019
Global Multi-Resolution Ocean Prediciton/Analysis with Scale Recursive Estiatmion and Multi Sensor Data Fusion Iskandarani, Mohammed University of Miami 3 2019
Ultrafast and Compact Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Han, Ming Michigan State 3 2019
An Innovative CubeSat Exploring Littoral Oceanographic & Atmospheric Dynamics Graber, Hans University of Miami 2 2019
Showing 1 to 50 of 289 entries