FY2013 Funded Projects
The following is a list of projects (showing the project title and the lead PI and institution) funded under the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) in FY2013. Discussions on the contractual details of each award were initiated at the appropriate funding agency.
For abstracts of each project and the partners involved, click on the project title.
Topic 1. Environmental Effects of MHK Devices in situ
Funding for these awards was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
- Interactions of aquatic animals with the ORPC OCGen® in Cobscook Bay, Maine: Monitoring behavior change and assessing the probability of encounter with a deployed MHK device
Lead PI: Dr. Gayle Zydlewski, University of Maine
- Assessment of Potential Impact of Electromagnetic Fields from Undersea Cable on Migratory Fish Behavior
Lead PI: Dr. Rob Kavet, Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.
- Informing a Tidal Turbine Strike Probability Model through Characterization of Fish Behavioral Response using Multibeam Sonar Output
Lead PI: Dr. Mark Bevelheimer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Measuring changes in ambient noise levels from the installation and operation of a wave energy converter in the coastal ocean
Lead PI: Dr. Sarah Henkel and Dr. Joe Haxel, Oregon State University
- Marine Mammal Behavioral Response to Tidal Turbine Sound
Lead PI: Dr. Brian Polagye, University of Washington
- Effects of EMF Emissions from Cables and Junction Boxes on Marine Species
Lead PI: Dr. Manhar Dhanak, Florida Atlantic University
Topic 2. Environmental Effects of Surrogate Technologies
Funding for these awards was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy
- Evaluating The Potential For Marine And Hydrokinetic Devices To Become Artificial Reefs Or Fish Aggregating Devices Based On Analysis Of Surrogates In Tropical, Subtropical, And Temperate U.S. West Coast And Hawaiian Coastal Waters
Lead PI: Dr. Sharon Kramer, H.T. Harvey & Associates
- Impacts of electromagnetic fields associated with marine and hydrokinetic surrogate technologies on fish movements and behaviors
Lead PI: Dr. Daniel J. Pondella II, Vantuna Research Group
Topic 3. Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Corrosion, Hydrocarbon Exposure, Microbiology, and Archaeology Project (GOM-SCHEMA)
- Gulf of Mexico Shipwreck Corrosion, Hydrocarbon Exposure, Microbiology, and Archaeology Project (GOM-SCHEMA)
Lead PI: Dr. Leila Hamdan, School of Ocean Science and Technology, University of Southern Mississippi