FY2021 Funded Projects
The following is a list of projects (showing the project title and the lead PI and institution) funded under the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) in FY2021. Discussions on the contractual details of each award were initiated at the appropriate funding agency.
For abstracts of each project and the partners involved, click on the project title.
- Piloting Bio-GO-SHIP on US cruises: Towards a global analysis of large-scale changes to ocean plankton systems
- PI: Adam Martiny
- Real-time and Observed Measurements of Hurricane-Induced Hydrodynamics and Flooding
- PI: Mason, Robert (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Forecasting Coastal Impacts from Tropical Cyclones along the US East and Gulf Coasts using the ADCIRC Prediction System
- PI: Luettich, Rick (UNC Chapel Hill)
- COAMPS-TC Deterministic, Ensemble, and Nowcast Model Support of the ONR NOPP Project: Predicting Hurricane Coastal Impacts
- PI: Komaromi, William (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Coastal Elevation Models and Land Surface Variables for Use in Forecasting Hurricane Impacts
- PI: Gesch, Dean (USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science Center (EROS))
- In-situ measurements of ocean surface waves from air-deployed Directional Wave Spectra Drifters (DWSD) and Air Launched Autonomous Micro-Observer (ALAMO) Floats
- PI: Centurioni, Luca (University of California – San Diego (UCSD))